We just replaced the control panel on our Proform Crosswalk 395, so I have a semi-functional (it ran demo mode, other functions) control board. I could just throw it away, but figured I should see if there were any electronics enthusiasts that want to try and refurb it. Not asking much...$10? Shipping cost?
It just seems crazy to me to throw it out when someone smarter than me (it's not that hard) could breathe life back into it and make some $$$. We paid nearly $200 for the new one, so a refurb could be worth $100?
Or maybe I should just pitch it? Can't hurt to at least ask if anyone is interested.
It just seems crazy to me to throw it out when someone smarter than me (it's not that hard) could breathe life back into it and make some $$$. We paid nearly $200 for the new one, so a refurb could be worth $100?
Or maybe I should just pitch it? Can't hurt to at least ask if anyone is interested.