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Poll: Where did you buy your fitness equipment?
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Local fitness specialty store (They sell only fitness equipment)
0 0%
Web fitness specialty store (They only sell fitness equipment online)
1 50.00%
Local sporting goods store (they sell everything related to being active)
0 0%
Local shopping center (they sell everything from candy to plasma TV)
0 0%
Internet auction (people sell to people)
0 0%
Your neighbor (the guys next door)
1 50.00%
I picked it up at a curve! (it's Free)
0 0%
Total 2 vote(s) 100%
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Consumers: Where did you purchase your fitness equipment?
Interesting to know where the most people get their fitness equipment, meaning treadmills, ellipticals, home gyms :roll:
I am into workouts in a gym before. But since my schedule starts to be hectic, I bought a fitness equipment at online and I can really tell that this decision is perfect because I can manage mt time.
Well suggest you Treadmills and elliptical machines. If you're in the market for one of these fat melters, our treadmill and elliptical buying guides will show you what features to look for.

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