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Pro form 730 SI
I bought this treadmill used. It worked wonderfully for the last several months. But now it's making a loud rubbing noise. The belt seems a little off. I have no user's manual. Are there any parts that need oiled? We have the little allen wrench to adjust the belt.... but it doesn't seen to stay put.
Sounds like you should check for a broken rear endcap, stripped front roller or a lose drive belt.
See if you can hear where the noise is coming from. With the machine off and unplugged move the belt and see where its rubbing. I agree with Master Tech with the ideas of why the belt may be slipping. I have seen a plastic sleeve on the front rollers also for tracking the belt break loose and move causing the belt to drift.
Thank you for your suggestions. We readjusted the tensions and the rubbing noise has gone away.
Are there any parts that might need oiled?

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